Unknown Mushrooms: Anise Mushroom

Unknown Mushrooms: Anise Mushroom
Unknown Mushrooms: Anise Mushroom

The mushroom with an interesting name Anise bears the Latin name Clitocybe odora and belongs to the family Tricholomataceae - Autumn mushrooms. Its name is due to the strong smell of anise, which is why some people have called it fragrant.

It can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests. It usually grows in groups, but also occurs singly. It often appears in large quantities. It grows from early summer to mid-autumn in the months from June to October.

The hood of the young anise is hemispherical, and with the development of the fungus it becomes flat, reaching 4 to 11 cm in diameter, medium fleshy. It usually has a small hump, and as it ages, it becomes concave with an upward curved wavy edge. The color is very variable. When it is young, it is most often colored in blue-green, then turns gray, olive or impure green, with age it fades and becomes bare, smooth and hard.

The plates of Anise mushroom are descending, ingrown and broad, sparse, whitish in color or the same as the hood.

The stump is 3-8x0.6-1.5 cm in size. It is almost bare, usually with a curved and extended base. In older specimens, the core of the stump is spongy, usually like a hood.

The flesh of the mushroom is whitish. It has a sweet taste, but slightly bitter with a strong smell of anise.


Photo: enciclopedia.funghiitaliani

The spore powder is white and the spores of The anise are elliptical with dimensions 6-7x3-4 µm, colorless and smooth.

It is difficult to confuse with other representatives of the mushroom kingdom because of its specific smell and characteristic color.

Anise belongs to the edible mushrooms and is considered a mushroom with good qualities, but is used in combination with other species because it is too fragrant.
