The Unknown Mushrooms: The Trumpet

The Unknown Mushrooms: The Trumpet
The Unknown Mushrooms: The Trumpet

The Trumpet Mushroom has an interesting name due to its specific structure and morphology. Its Latin name is Craterellus cornucopiodesand it belongs to the Gomphaceae family.

This interesting mushroom has a funnel-shaped hood that reaches between 2-6 centimeters in size. The edge of the hood of the Trumpet is bent downwards, and later becomes wavy, deeply incised.

The hood is colored reddish-brown, but with the aging process the fungus changes from gray-brown to gray-black, with small darker scales on the surface, pale gray, at first smooth, and over time it becomes wrinkled.

The stump of the mushroom also has a funnel-shaped shape and grows between 5 and 15 centimeters in size, as it is hollow at the base, and passes upwards into the hood and does not differ from it, it is colored in the same way.

The meat of the Trumpet is very thin and fragile, cartilaginous, gray-red in color with a faint pleasant odor and bland taste.

The spore powder is white, the spores are elliptical with dimensions 10-13x6-7 micrometers, smooth and colorless.

The tube is found in deciduous forests, less often in coniferous forests and grows in the months from August to November.

The trumpet is an edible mushroom with good nutritional qualities and pleasant taste.

It can be used both raw and dried. Even some gourmets claim that it has good qualities in canned form like pickled mushrooms.
