Eat The Most Potassium, Calcium And Magnesium

Eat The Most Potassium, Calcium And Magnesium
Eat The Most Potassium, Calcium And Magnesium

Potassium, calcium and magnesium are elements that support biochemical processes in metabolism. They also perform important tasks related to cell health.

They also act as regulators of the flow of nutrients inside the cells. Magnesium along with potassium and calcium are electrolytes involved in brain processes, nerve function, heart, eyes, immunity and muscles.

Deficiency disturbs the balance of life processes in general, because these elements are involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body and this can lead to an avalanche of health problems.

How to maintain the balance between potassium, calcium and magnesium?. How to provide your body with a constant supply of these useful elements?

The easiest way is through a nutritious diet and it is recommended for every healthy person. Taking extra amounts as dietary supplements is necessary in case of any health problem that interferes with the supply or absorption of these elements by the body.

There is hardly a person who does not know that milk and milk products are the safest source of calcium. When lactose is a problem and milk is excluded as possible source of calcium, the alternatives that remain are not so few.

Eat the most calcium

Eat the most calcium
Eat the most calcium


Broccoli is among the first options with a significant amount of calcium in them. They also contain vitamin C and cleanse the digestive system.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are among the suggestions when higher amounts of the element are needed. Along with it, the body is loaded with vitamin A.

Dried figs

Dried figs are loaded with calcium, and also provide potassium and magnesium, as well as enough fiber.


From citrus, orange is a suitable fruit and also does not give a lot of calories, so it is a good choice for a diet that aims to regulate weight.


Sardines are among foods high in calcium, as well as vitamin B12, as well as the invaluable vitamin D.


Almonds are very suitable sources of calcium among nuts, because they will also help fight bad cholesterol.

Foods with the most potassium

Foods with the most potassium
Foods with the most potassium

To maintain fluid balance and hence blood pressure levels, the presence of sufficient amounts of potassium is an important condition.


Avocados are an excellent source of potassium and will satisfy this need, and will also add magnesium, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber.


Pumpkin is another good option that will bring vitamins K and E, as well as some antioxidants.


Of the fruits, dried apricots and pomegranate are good sources of potassium, which import other useful substances.

Eat the most magnesium

Eat the most magnesium
Eat the most magnesium

Green leafy vegetables

The important one magnesium can be found in green leafy vegetables and therefore they are listed as a necessary part of the daily menu.

Nuts and seeds

Among the nuts and seeds that are sources of magnesium, are pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and almonds, as well as peanuts and walnuts.


Fish is another option for obtaining the valuable element and therefore the presence of this seafood at least twice a week in the menu is a necessity.

Whole grains

Whole grains are also not devoid of magnesium, and at the same time contain fiber and carbohydrates. So it is not bad to go back to some traditional products such as millet, bulgur, barley and oats.

Fruits with magnesium

Among the fruits, avocado, banana, dried apricot, fig and date are very well stocked with magnesium food.

Black chocolate

A nice and favorite addition to the possibilities is dark chocolate.
