These Are The Most Potassium-rich Foods

These Are The Most Potassium-rich Foods
These Are The Most Potassium-rich Foods

Potassium is one of the most important minerals for the body. Thanks to it, the electrolyte balance is maintained in the body. When you come across the office of a person who is constantly irritable, irritable, often complains of fatigue, lack of sleep and problems with high blood pressure, instead of arguing with him or getting angry unnecessarily, recommend him to eat some of the following rich Potassium foods because its symptoms indicate precisely the lack of an important mineral in the body.

White beans

In just one cup of cooked beans there are about 1000 milligrams of potassium.


Spinach is extremely rich in minerals. In addition to iron and magnesium, it is high in potassium. One cup of cooked spinach contains 839 milligrams.

Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes
Baked potatoes

100 grams of potatoes contain 535 milligrams of potassium.

Dried apricots

There are 1162 milligrams of potassium in 100 grams of dried apricots.

Baked pumpkin

You can get 437 milligrams from roasted pumpkin, and 899 milligrams from one cup of diced pumpkin, which is about 200 grams.


100 grams of delicious and useful in many respects fish give us 628 milligrams of potassium, which is even more than the required daily intake.


A portion of 100 grams brings the body 485 milligrams.


Mushrooms have a slightly poorer amount of potassium - 396 milligrams, but of course it can be compensated with other foods.



One serving of 100 grams of bananas contains 358 milligrams of potassium. One banana carries the required amount of potassium for the day.

The required daily dose of potassium is approximately 4 grams. The amount can also be obtained through potassium salts, but their intake is not recommended because overdoing them can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The good thing is that you can not overdose on the important mineral if you get it from any of the above foods. The main cause of potassium deficiency is dehydration and sudden changes in weather. This is the reason to include these foods in your menu as soon as possible.
