Finally: Chocolate For Weight Loss

Finally: Chocolate For Weight Loss
Finally: Chocolate For Weight Loss

It was high time! Scientists have finally created chocolate for weight loss. There is no lie, no deception.

The revolutionary chocolate that will help us lose weight is called Lola. The sweet temptation contains chemicals that suppress hunger. The chemicals do not change the taste of the chocolate and also preserve its nutritious taste.

The magic for fat women has only one drawback. Due to the chemical ingredients it has a slightly greenish color.

What exactly are the chemical ingredients in question? Chocolate contains spirulina. It is a dietary supplement derived from microscopic algae with a high content of nutrients such as vitamin A and B12. They help to lose weight.

"Chocolates also contain special amino acids that make consumers feel not hungry. The amino acid phenylalanine stimulates the peptide hormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses hunger," said Cocoa BIO, the Spanish chocolate factory.

Lola does not contain cholesterol and aids digestion. Chocolate is made from organic cocoa from Peru and Santo Domingo.
