Pasta And Spaghetti For A Good Mood

Pasta And Spaghetti For A Good Mood
Pasta And Spaghetti For A Good Mood

It is widely believed that pasta and spaghetti are high in calories and should not be consumed by people who are in good shape.

This, on the one hand, is because they contain carbohydrates, but in this case we will talk about why they are useful. And the time is perfect to talk a little about one of the favorite foods of millions of people around the world, because today in the United States celebrate Spaghetti Day.

Pasta such as pasta and spaghetti saturate the body and at the same time affect the good mood by stimulating hormones and reducing aggression. They calm the nervous system and create a feeling of satisfaction.

Carbohydrates contained in pasta, spaghetti and other types of pasta are optimal suppliers of energy. They do not burden the metabolism. In this way, not only do they not interfere with the diet, but on the contrary - help it. In combination with vegetables and a small amount of meat, they not only do not increase body weight, but only for a day of the diet, and reduce it by at least 350 grams.

The important substances contained in pasta and similar pasta raise the mood by reducing stress. The magnesium contained in them has a calming effect, and vitamin B1 stabilizes the nervous system.

Pasta and spaghetti contribute to a good mood
Pasta and spaghetti contribute to a good mood

There are many foods that help lift your mood. Serotonin, for example, also called the hormone of happiness, helps break down the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

By consuming foods that contain it, we help the body maintain its level high. Crucial for the synthesis of serotonin is the amino acid tryptophan, which the body obtains through food.

The highest levels of this acid are found in meat products. However, it is absorbed much more fully than carbohydrate-rich whole grains.

Tryptophan is another element that contributes to our good mood. It does not react to insulin and remains in the blood, so it does not have to compete with other amino acids. Tryptophan-rich foods include eggs, chicken and turkey, fish, and legumes; sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, soybeans.

Good for maintaining mood and tone foods are also raw muesli (nuts, grains, dried fruits), in combination with yogurt, chocolate, bananas, hot peppers.
