If You Do Not Eat Pears, You Lose Health

If You Do Not Eat Pears, You Lose Health
If You Do Not Eat Pears, You Lose Health

Homer called the pears a gift from the gods. This happened thousands of years ago, and thousands of years later, there are many who will agree.

Regarding the countless benefits of this valuable fruit, did you know that:

• Pears were cultivated in 5000 BC in China;

• The Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality (pear trees live a long time);

• In Greek and Roman mythology, pears are sacred to the three goddesses - Hera, Aphrodite and Pomona;

• Pears are members of the rose family;

• There are more than 5000 varieties of pear trees;

• Pear trees can bear fruit for up to 100 years;

• Pears were cultivated to get that sweet and juicy taste we know today;

Pears are food full of energy;

• Pears have more nutrients per calorie than calories of nutrients (surprising because they are so sweet);

• These fruits are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, honey and vitamin K;

• Pears are often considered a hypoallergenic fruit, which is less likely to cause an allergic reaction than other fruits;

• Pears are often the first fruit that infants are fed.

Health benefits of pear consumption:

If you do not eat pears, you lose health
If you do not eat pears, you lose health

• For diabetics - pears have a low glycemic index (GI) - only 38. Also pears are one of the fruits that can improve blood sugar levels, help a person lose weight and improve his concentration;

• The risk of stroke is lower in people who consume more white fruits and vegetables than in those who consume less;

• Women who consume at least one serving a day of apples and pears show a reduced risk of lung cancer;

• A study conducted by the University of Innsbruck in Austria found that when fruits are fully ripe - almost to the point of spoilage, they actually have the highest levels of antioxidants;

• Recent studies show that pear skin contains at least three to four times more phenolic phytonutrients than the inside. These phytonutrients include antioxidants, anti-inflammatory flavonoids and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients such as cinnamic acids. Pear skin also contains about half of all dietary fiber in the whole pear.
