You Can Lose Weight, Even If You Eat Greasy! This Is How

You Can Lose Weight, Even If You Eat Greasy! This Is How
You Can Lose Weight, Even If You Eat Greasy! This Is How

There is a method to prevent the accumulation of extra pounds, even if you like fatty foods, scientists from the University of Washington in St. Louis said.

The technique for weight loss is based on open metabolic pathways that can be activated by an antibiotic.

In their experiments, the researchers used genetically modified mice with overexpression of the Hedgehog (Hh) genes. These genes are involved in the maintenance and development of homeostasis in various tissues, including those formed by fat cells (adipocytes).

The results of experiments with fruit flies showed that the activation of the Hh genes inhibits the growth of adipocytes.

Rodents were modified by ingestion of the antibiotic as soon as they were born. And doxycillin activated the Hh genes. The mice then began to eat foods high in fatty acids.


In the middle of the experiments, one group stopped taking the antibiotic and the other continued. Eight weeks after the start of the experiment, it was found that fat accumulation in mice exposed to doxycycline was much less than in rodents in the other group.

A decrease in both white and brown fat has been reported in their bodies. Molecular analysis showed that the growth of adipocytes also decreased, which reduced the risk of developing diabetes.


For scientists, their experience shows how in the future pharmaceuticals can be used in the fight against obesity, so that people who are at risk of obesity are calmer about their health.
