Eat More Pears To Keep You Young

Eat More Pears To Keep You Young
Eat More Pears To Keep You Young

Until recently, it was believed that the trace element boron was unimportant to humans. However, new research in this area shows that it is mainly involved in the transport processes of cells, acting as a guardian of their membranes.

In nature, it occurs mainly in compounds with other substances, mostly with B vitamins or vitamin C.

Boron stops or releases various ions that seek to enter the cell space. A trace element is needed for the proper functioning of the immune system and the brain.

Clinical tests show that even minimal boron deficiency leads to a lack of concentration and disorders of the vestibular apparatus.


The synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone is carried out with the help of the trace element boron. When in normal amounts for the body, it has the ability to slow down hormonal depletion at a critical age in both women and men.

It has also been found to stop the rapid wear and tear of articular cartilage. It protects them from the degrading action of a substance, the amount of which increases with age.

Calcium is most important for bones. However, in order to be stored, it needs the microelement boron.

Scientists are still unable to determine how much of it a person needs per day. The dose is estimated to be about 1-3 mg daily. With such intake, the aging organism is protected from arthritis and other joint diseases.

Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad

On the other hand, excessive boron intake carries the risk of headache, diarrhea and renal damage of varying severity.

For this reason, all dietary supplements with boron, oral medications, as well as eye drops or dermatological ointments in which it is contained, should be administered under strict medical supervision.

The easiest and most pleasant intake of the trace element boron is through the foods it contains. The largest quantities are contained in pears. They are followed by soybeans, almonds, shrimp, raisins, dates, plums.

In addition, it should be known that the abuse of vodka, liqueur and other concentrates leads to loss of boron from the body. And this leads to all the unfavorable consequences.
