Super Foods For Super Women

Super Foods For Super Women
Super Foods For Super Women

Without offending the male audience, the current article will be about our tender halves.

Every woman loves to eat, but she also loves to feel good in her skin. You can achieve both if you choose foods that make you smarter, finer, healthier.



It's all because of omega-3. This fish is one of the best foods for a woman. Salmon fats are good for the heart. Pink meat is also highly recommended during pregnancy.

In addition, omega-3 improves mood, fights depression, protects against Alzheimer's and cancer. The other valuable ingredient in salmon is its high content of vitamin D, which is important for women.


Wild blueberries

Wild blueberries are a real healthy jewel. They can literally slow down the aging process of the body. Small fruits prevent memory loss, improve muscles and body movements, and help reduce high blood pressure. They are also rich in antioxidants that help smooth out wrinkles.

Wild fruits have compounds called anthocyanins, which are some of the best antioxidants. The other indisputable plus is that a bowl of small fruits contains only 80 calories. Frozen blueberries are also helpful.



We all know that oatmeal lowers "bad" cholesterol. Now, however, scientists are adamant that oats, rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, have the quality to keep you full. This will help you adjust your weight wisely. 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day is recommended. A bowl of oatmeal contains six times the amount.



The shy vegetable is the winner, thanks to research showing that the substances in the cruciferous plant help against breast cancer. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, it is a good source of vitamin A. In addition, just like oats, vegetables can be well satiated. It also receives bonus points for its content of fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron and potassium.

It is enough to remember to include a dish containing broccoli in your menu only once or twice a week.
