Health Benefits Of Watercress

Video: Health Benefits Of Watercress

Video: Health Benefits Of Watercress
Video: 5 Amazing Benefits of Watercress: Healthiest Veggie In the World | Health Benefits | Health Solution 2024, September
Health Benefits Of Watercress
Health Benefits Of Watercress

The cress is considered to be the birthplace of Iran, where the ancient Egyptians and Romans used it to obtain nutrients that calm the nervous system and improve sleep.

The parts of this plant are used to make medicines. Its healing properties support the functions of the lungs, as well as coughs, bronchitis and influenza. In addition, it is very useful for the treatment of hair loss, to improve appetite and digestion.

Watercress leaves are rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin A, C, calcium salts, magnesium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and others. It also contains Vitamin K, which is extremely important for maintaining healthy bones.

Watercress it is even thought to have a healing effect in some types of malignancies. Its ability to fight cancer cells is thought to be due to the fact that it increases the level of antioxidants in the blood. More and more research shows that watercress protects against prostate cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Green leaves of watercress are useful in thyroid problems and to improve sexual activity. There are also cases in which women have used it to induce abortion. Some studies point to the plant as a beneficial way to treat tuberculosis, constipation and others.

Some people use watercress directly on the skin for diseases such as arthritis, ear pain, eczema, warts and scabies.

But the health benefits of watercress do not stop there. Watercress is part of many dishes, participating in the preparation of various salads and as a spice.

Watercress sprouts
Watercress sprouts

The valuable ingredients of watercress fight pathogenic bacteria and protect us from disease. Also, its intake leads to increased urine output and is used as a diuretic (fluid loss), and is especially suitable for people with high blood pressure.

It is no coincidence that the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, created his first clinic near the place where he grew up. watercress.

Watercress is quick and easy to use. After washing, it can be stored in the refrigerator and, if necessary, participate in the preparation of salads, sandwiches. In addition, it can be stewed, fried or included in various soups.

Watercress is not recommended during pregnancy as it may cause bleeding and miscarriage. Regarding breastfeeding, there is not enough reliable data on its harm, but it is good to avoid it, as well as by children under 4 years. Some studies show that it has an adverse effect on people with kidney problems and stomach and intestinal ulcers.
