That Is Why Watercress Is A Must-have Food For Women

That Is Why Watercress Is A Must-have Food For Women
That Is Why Watercress Is A Must-have Food For Women

The watercress is a leafy plant grown in natural spring water. It has long been neglected, but has recently begun to revive as a new superfood. The health benefits of watercress are enhanced immunity, cancer prevention and thyroid maintenance.

These health benefits start with one serving as a dietary supplement. Watercress contains more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more folate than bananas. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, which are necessary for a healthy body.

Eating a salad of watercress a day shows an increase in molecules in the body's circulatory system, which can prevent and stop the recurrence of breast cancer. The watercress is very helpful when added to the diet as a preventative measure against stomach and lung cancer.

Folate, which is contained in this plant, is an essential nutrient that plays a major role in preventing birth defects and in maintaining daily health. It also helps reduce the risk of depression, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, cognitive decline and neural tube defects in babies.


Studies show that both dietary and supplemental daily vitamin C intake can be beneficial in preventing disease and treating many physiological systems. Therefore, watercress is extremely useful, containing higher amounts of vitamin C than oranges.

Watercress sprouts
Watercress sprouts

This makes it, above all, a strong immunostimulant and a fighter against diseases and infections. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C can be helpful in preventing the changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and aging, as well as in protecting and repairing brain tissue.

Watercress consumed daily is a highly preventive medicine. It is a powerful superfood that would benefit anyone regardless of gender or age.
