Wild Garlic - Yeast

Wild Garlic - Yeast
Wild Garlic - Yeast

Wild garlic (Allium Ursinum), also known as yeast, Siberian onion, wild garlic, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Kokichevi family. It is also called bear onion, because according to folk beliefs, bears eat it after hibernation to cleanse their stomach, intestines and blood.

Its leaves are pointed at the top and narrow to the base in a 5-20 cm long stalk. Its inflorescence is a hemispherical canopy. The flowers of wild garlic are white. It blooms in April-June. Unlike its other spicy brethren, wild garlic is beautiful in appearance and looks more like a flower than an onion or a weed.

Wild garlic grows on shady and humus-rich soils, mainly in deciduous forests. It occurs up to 1200 meters above sea level. It can be safely grown in a flower bed in the garden.

Ingredients of wild garlic

The whole plant contains essential oil, mainly composed of divinyl sulfide, vinyl sulfide, traces of mercaptan. This is exactly the ingredient that gives it its specific smell.

IN wild garlic leaves contains significant amounts of vitamin C and strong phytoncides, which have excellent fungicidal and bactericidal properties.

According to recent research, fresh wild garlic contains more manganese, magnesium, iron and sulfur compounds than regular garlic. Wild garlic has been declared the undisputed magnesium king among plants, with its 1500 mg of magnesium in 1 kg of leaves.

Selection and storage of wild garlic

Wild garlic is sold both fresh and frozen and dried. Prefer its fresh leaves, because then they are most useful.

In winter it can be stored by freezing in the freezer. If you grow wild garlic, you can pick its young leaves in April-May, and the bulbs in the fall. Its bulbs are used similarly to those of garlic.

Cooking wild garlic

Wild garlic is very popular in Chinese and European cuisine. Combines very well with all kinds of aromatic herbs and vegetables. Used to flavor cream sauces, cold soups, potato dishes.

In small quantities it gives a great taste to dairy dishes and eggs. Wild garlic is finely chopped. It is most often used for seasoning omelets and salads, as well as for delicious baked potatoes. In general, wild garlic can be used in all dishes in which parsley is added.

Salad with wild garlic and boiled eggs

Wild garlic - Yeast
Wild garlic - Yeast

Necessary products:

wild garlic leaves, boiled egg, fresh cucumber, tomato, croutons, cheese, green pepper.

You can boldly experiment with the proportions of the various ingredients to find your ideal proportions of all the ingredients. If desired, you can add cream and avocado.

Marinated wild garlic

Necessary products:

1 liter of water, 100 grams of 9% vinegar (or 200 g 5%), 1 tablespoon salt and sugar.

Before you start preparing marinated Levurda, it should be soaked for 3 hours in plain water. This is especially true for more mature plants, which may have a slightly bitter taste.

To do this, fill the jars with wild garlic and a solution of water, vinegar, salt and sugar and if desired, you can add mustard, horseradish and other ingredients if desired.

If you love Korean cuisine, then you can try a slightly different version of pickled garlic. Mix all the ingredients again, then add sugar, salt, Korean spice and paprika in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: ½ (tablespoons).

Benefits of wild garlic

There are many useful properties, the most valuable are:

- antispasmodic;

- antiseptic;

- choleretic;

- expectorant;

- diuretic;

- antibacterial;

- antifungal;

- hypotonic;

- antipyretic.

Wild garlic is used and to relieve local inflammation and irritation, in case of stomach pains and as a means of stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. It is extremely useful in disorders of thyroid function and metabolic disorders.

Wild garlic has a dilating effect on blood vessels. It lowers blood pressure, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and its deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Wild garlic increases heart rate and slows the heart rate. It has excellent phytoncide action, thanks to which it kills the causes of various infectious diseases - staphylococci, streptococci, causes of dysentery, influenza and others.

Wild garlic has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, acute and chronic disorders. Eliminates worms and insomnia, complaints of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, such as dizziness and pressure in the head.

Wild garlic is an excellent remedy for breathing difficulties and the presence of sputum. Fresh leaves cleanse the kidneys and bladder, stimulate urine output. Hard-to-heal wounds heal more easily if smeared with fresh wild garlic juice.

Wild garlic
Wild garlic

The fact that wild garlic contains more sulfur compounds than ordinary garlic makes it the best of all cultivated types of garlic.

Even with a very high sulfur content, it does not leave a pungent odor after consumption. This is because the sulfur found in wild garlic is bound to a protein, while in ordinary garlic it is in free form.

Magnesium, which is found in large amounts in wild garlic, is a known anti-stress mineral that protects the heart and circulatory system. Manganese also plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body.

It is needed to build calcium in the bones. Adding a few cloves of garlic to the salad is a guarantee of better health.

Garlic leaves are a perfect source of vitamins C and A, as well as important phytoncides for the body. They are also saturated with calcium, which is the building block of the skeletal system. No less important is that they are rich in selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, magnesium, iodine and iron. Wild garlic contains several types of antioxidants and has been shown to protect the body's cells from free radical damage.

As in most bulbs, these are rich in the beneficial compounds alliin in allicin. They prevent overactive blood clotting and thus protect blood vessels from forming blood clots in them.

The others useful properties of wild garlic

1. As you may know, wild garlic is extremely rich in vitamin C and even surpasses a number of other plants in its content. For example, compared to citrus fruits, its content of vitamin C is 10-15 times higher, which is really a lot. Due to this, the plant has excellent phytoncide properties, strengthens the nervous system, improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves intestinal motility and enhances immunity;

2. The plant is rich in folic acid, vitamins B, A, PP. Contains acids of organic origin, carbohydrates, fats, water, proteins, many dietary fibers, mono and disaccharides;

3. During the period of vitamin deficiency, wild garlic is an indispensable means of strengthening the body. In the past, herbalists even used it quite effectively to treat scurvy. Today it has been proven that the herb has an overall strengthening effect on the body and at the same time tones;

4. Cleanses the body of all harmful substances and toxins;

5. Increases the secretion of gastric juice, thus improving digestion;

6. Improves metabolism in the body, which is why the plant is especially useful if you want to lose weight;

7. Yeast has a positive effect on the heart, stimulating its activity, lowers high blood pressure and is a good prevention against the appearance of cholesterol plaques;

8. Improves the composition of the blood and blood circulation. This has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body;

9. In the treatment of colds and bronchitis, as it has anti-inflammatory effect;

Folk recipes for hypertension


In the past, our grandmothers used a tincture of wild garlic for problems with high blood pressure. For this purpose, the young leaves are taken, washed and placed in a glass container. Pour vodka with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and place in a dark place for 3 weeks, and on the 4th tincture is ready for use.

It is recommended to take 20-25 drops 3 times a day. Keep in mind that this medicine from folk medicine does not have a quick effect and it will take about 1-2 months to see its positive effect. This tincture is especially useful in vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue and dysbiosis.

Remedy against intestinal parasites

To get rid of roundworms and other intestinal parasites, it is useful to take one tablespoon of wild garlic tincture before each meal. This drug is prepared from ground leaves and bulbs that have been soaked in white wine for 2-3 days.

IMPORTANT! Remember that you should never engage in self-medication and it is always important to consult a doctor first!

Contraindications to wild garlic

Despite the crowd benefits of wild garlic, it is not always useful. For example, you should not include the herb in your menu in case of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from consuming Levurda. It is also not recommended for use in epilepsy and some diseases of the heart system.

See our delicious suggestions for recipes with wild garlic. If you are just a fan of garlic and you are not picky about its appearance, prepare an appetizing garlic soup or garlic snack.
