Healing Properties Of Mulberry

Healing Properties Of Mulberry
Healing Properties Of Mulberry

The mulberry was brought to Europe from China. There are two types of mulberry in Bulgaria - black and white. Mulberry fruits are a valuable raw material for both industry and the household, where, in addition to eating fresh, they also serve as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

With the substances contained in mulberry, it affects the alkaline-acid balance in the body, strengthens the nervous and muscular system, improves digestion (especially in anorexia in children), increases hemoglobin in anemia, helps regulate diuresis.

They are well known healing properties of mulberry.

The plant is used in heart failure, acute and chronic nephritis, ascites, pleurisy, allergic conditions, liver disease.

Teas can be made from the dried fruit and used as a remedy for inflamed oral cavity (with gargle). Immature fruits help with diarrhea, and ripe even overripe ones have a laxative effect.

Mulberry tea
Mulberry tea

Mulberry juice has an antiseptic effect. The fruits are especially useful in heart patients with reduced potassium levels, as well as in liver disease.

At home, the fruit extract is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of chopped fruit are boiled with 200 ml of boiling water, left to stand for 4 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

If we rub the bark of young trees in vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:30, a lubricating cream is obtained, which helps to heal scratches, sores and acne on the skin faster.
