What Are The Benefits Of One Day Of Fasting Each Week

What Are The Benefits Of One Day Of Fasting Each Week
What Are The Benefits Of One Day Of Fasting Each Week

The abundance of available products makes modern man overeat regularly. Foods of vital necessity have become fun and a way to relieve nervousness. Eating excess food leads to weight gain and contributes to the development of diseases of the stomach and liver.

One day of fasting is an important part of a healthy diet. Short-term starvation cleanses the intestines of excess deposits and helps to lose weight faster.

Pros and cons of one day of fasting

For a healthy person, one-day fasting is not dangerous. This gentle cleansing uses the body's hidden resources and contributes to its healing.

Pros of one-day fasting

One day of fasting rejuvenates
One day of fasting rejuvenates

- Purifies the body. The liver and skin are responsible for removing toxins from the body. If a person eats unhealthy food very often, the excretory system cannot cope with the load and some of the toxins remain inside it, provoking the development of diseases. When you are starving, the body does not need to spend resources on digestion and fully focuses on cleansing;

- Rejuvenation. When starving, all processes in the body are accelerated. As a result, the cells update faster and there is a partial rejuvenation of the internal organs.

Cons of one day of fasting

- Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system is possible. With gastritis or stomach ulcer you can to starve only under the supervision of a physician. The rest of the time, stick to a therapeutic diet;

- Psychological burden. For some people, even a few hours without food is a difficult ordeal. For them, fasting will be a torture, not a useful procedure.

Given all the risks, people with chronic exacerbations, children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who take medication regularly, should give up fasting. Women of childbearing potential are not recommended to fast during menstruation. During this period, the body loses weight and needs energy derived from food. People with anorexia should be extremely careful. Deliberate refusal of food can worsen the situation and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

One-day fasting is not for people with eating disorders
One-day fasting is not for people with eating disorders

Fasting is not a substitute for the diet, with the help of temporary abstinence from food you can lose weight, but it should last no more than 1 day and be repeated no more than 1 time per week. The rule the more - the better does not work here.

Prolonged fasting will lead to rapid weight gain. A day without food one can endure relatively easily, but if you continue to starve, the feeling of hunger will increase and it will be difficult to ignore it. There will be stomach pain, weakness, dizziness, nausea.

One will not be able to resist the feeling of hunger and disintegration will occur: he will start eating everything in large quantities. In medicine, this phenomenon is called forced overeating, and it leads to bulimia - regular overeating. After disintegration, guilt arises due to one's own weakness and inability to control the body's needs. If this happens constantly, without the intervention of doctors, one will not be able to return to a normal diet. Therefore, people who have psychological problems related to nutrition and weight loss should not practice fasting.

Proper fasting should be:

"Short." In the beginning, fasting should not exceed 24 hours. Gradually and in the absence of negative consequences you can increase the time interval to 48 and 72 hours;

- Regularly. It is important to follow the schedule: people of normal weight can fast once a week, and those who lose weight - no more than once a month.

- Fasting is carried out, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Exacerbation of a chronic illness or seasonal cold is an excuse to skip fasting and instead switch to a therapeutic diet;

Before the first one-day fasting you should see a doctor and have a body check-up to be sure of your health. Hidden pathologies may not manifest themselves for years, but stress in the form of hunger, will provoke an exacerbation. It is important to make sure that all organs of the body are healthy and will tolerate fasting normally.

Why can't you give up water?

When fasting for one day, drink water
When fasting for one day, drink water

One tolerates hunger more easily than thirst. Even experienced yogis who have been fasting for many years cannot withstand "dry" fasting for a long time. For starters, this can be deadly. Do not allow any experiments on yourself.

The average water norm for an adult is 2 liters. In summer it increases to 3 liters, because then the body quickly loses water reserves. During fasting, the portion of fluid consumed can be increased to 4 liters by drinking 1 glass of water every hour. Water is a conduit of toxins that will be excreted by the body during starvation.

Without water, all harmful substances will remain in the body and will affect it even more actively. Therefore, drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. Water can be alternated with green tea, which tones and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Coffee is forbidden on this day, it gives great tension in the heart and nervous system. It is recommended to give up coffee and black tea 2-3 days before the daily fast.
