The Undeniable Benefits Of Fasting

The Undeniable Benefits Of Fasting
The Undeniable Benefits Of Fasting

Fasting the simplest is to abstain from food for a period of time. Fasting is an old practice, almost as old as the world. From time immemorial, people have found a way to cleanse their body by giving it time to rest from processing heavy foods through fasting.

Fasting has a different duration - one day fast, weekly fast, up to 40-day fasts. In our time, this practice is associated with Christian holidays and the most popular are the so-called Lent, which lasts 40 days and is done before Easter, as well as the 40-day Christmas fast. Every type of fasting, regardless of duration, is intended to have a beneficial effect on the body. A distinction must also be made between fasting and healing hunger, which also passes under the sign of fasting.

Fasting and healing hunger

Healing hunger, which is a type of fasting, is wet and dry. Wet post is when the fasting person abstains from food but takes water. Dry fasting is when both food and water are stopped. This type of fasting has been practiced since ancient times. The goal was both physical cleansing and spiritual elevation. It is known that Pythagoras held a 40-day water fast to develop his abilities, and a 40-day dry fast was performed by Buddha, Moses, Christ.

Today such kind of fasting is made mainly for medicinal purposes and is therefore also called healing hunger. It is practiced for different durations, necessarily under medical supervision, especially for the control of incurable diseases.

What are the popular and widely practiced by many people fasting around the great Christian holidays and especially around Easter and Christmas and what should be done then?

Lean rice in fasting
Lean rice in fasting

Fasting, which is practiced before the big religious holidays, is a refusal of foods of animal origin such as meat, milk, cheese, eggs, cheese. Fish is the only permitted animal food during fasting. This kind of vegetarian diet is recommended as an effective way to cleanse the body.

What foods are recommended for fasting and what to avoid?

• You should eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables, cereals and grains. Fruits and vegetables play a key role in proper metabolism. Wheat, nuts and dried fruits are also suitable food for good peristalsis and diversification of the menu;

• Bread, rice and potatoes should not be overdone, no matter that they are lean food. They lead to rapid satiety, but clog the digestive system;

• Whole grains are suitable. They give the body B vitamins and minerals;

Lean foods for fasting people
Lean foods for fasting people

• Legumes will compensate for the lack of animal protein, and to achieve a balance between alkaline and acidic foods a good move is the combination with cereals;

• Salt should be reduced, if possible - to stop completely;

• Alcohol and cigarettes should also be stopped, as should coffee;

• You should drink enough water and tea;

• A varied diet is the key to successful fasting.

The benefits of fasting

• Purifies the body;

• Improves metabolism;

• Improves sleep and memory;

• Reduces body weight;

• Affects the nervous system and hormones;

• Increases the overall tone of the body and thus strengthens its immunity.
