Planting And Growing Potatoes

Planting And Growing Potatoes
Planting And Growing Potatoes

Average potatoes ripen in about 4 months. Modern varieties of potatoes provide a maximum yield of 400 to 800 kg / ha.

Successful potato growing requires quality seeds and proper care. Potatoes germinate when the soil at the depth at which they are sown warms up to 7-8 ° C, then the development of the terrestrial part begins. The tops can not tolerate frost, die at a temperature of -1 - 3 ° C.

The optimum temperature for growth, flowering and tuberization is considered to be 16-22 ° C. At 20 ° C at night, 29 ° C during the day, the growth of tubers stops, so from the second half of July to the end of August the crop does not increase.

Time to plant potatoes should be chosen so that by this time the tubers are almost formed. In temperate climates - this is the second half of April, in the northern regions - early May, and in the south - early April. At the time of planting at a depth of 10 cm, the soil temperature must be at least 5 ° C.

Chernozem, clayey, sandy, with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction soils are suitable for cultivation of this culture. Heavy clay soil is not suitable, because due to the strong compaction and lack of air the tubers do not grow well, with excess moisture they are highly threatened by rot.

The place for planting potatoes should be sunny, open, with a deep arable layer and high humus content. To prevent potato diseases, crop rotation is needed, the potatoes return to their original place after 3-4 years. The best precursors are legumes and winter crops, they enrich the soil with nutrients and clean it from pests and pathogens of potato diseases. In household plots, the crop can be grown after all kinds of vegetables except solanacea.

Planting potatoes
Planting potatoes

The soil for planting is prepared in the fall, it is plowed with a shovel, when cultivated to a depth of 25 to 27 cm is cleaned of weeds, fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are best used in the spring.

Since it is possible to grow potatoes of appropriate quality and in sufficient quantities only by using varietal seed material, free from fungal, viral and bacterial diseases, it is best to buy tubers from specialty stores.

When using your own seedlings, it is prepared in the fall. Tubers with the correct shape without signs of disease from the most productive nests are selected for seeds. Pear-shaped and spindle-shaped potatoes can be carriers of viral diseases, which is why they are not used.

The selected seeds are carefully dried and planted, kept for about 2 weeks in diffused light and periodically inverted. For ready-made tubers, all the flesh must be green, they cannot be sorted until spring, they are not damaged by rodents, but due to the content of toxic solanine, they must be stored separately from food and fodder potatoes.

Before laying in the winter the seeds are sorted by weight and size, in the spring each fraction is planted separately so that the plants germinate, develop and mature at the same time.

growing potatoes
growing potatoes

In the spring, the tubers are sorted again, the damaged and diseased ones are separated. About a month before planting is placed on shelves or on the floor in well-ventilated rooms, for even germination, they rotate every 8-10 days.

To get early harvest of sprouted potatoes, seedlings are grown by placing them in pots with a mixture of leaf soil and humus. Before germination, the pots are stored in the dark at 10-12 ° C, then transferred to light. The seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-April.

Planting is done by laying the sprouted tubers at a depth of 6 to 8 cm, at a distance of 25-30 cm between plants, 60 cm between rows by manual and 70 cm by mechanical treatment. When groundwater appears close, the tubers are exposed to the surface, after which they are covered with soil from the rows, forming ridges 6-8 cm high.

Tubers germinated in the ground need access to air, which is provided by loosening. The soil must be kept clean of weeds, in the initial stage of development they are easily removed by plucking or raking.
