Bacon, Blood And Cholesterol

Bacon, Blood And Cholesterol
Bacon, Blood And Cholesterol

The bacon is one of the favorite foods of Bulgarians, and recent studies have shattered the myth that bacon is harmful. It contains a number of important vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, E, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, selenium and others.

Lard contains arachidonic acid, which helps improve the central nervous system and brain. In moderation, it is good for the adrenal glands, regulates hormones and increases resistance to stress.

By using the product in moderation, you can strengthen the body's defenses. Bacon has a positive effect on the bronchopulmonary system and in moderate doses is beneficial for the liver.

Bacon and hypertension


Bacon contains harmful fats and cholesterol, extremely undesirable in hypertension. In hypertensives, the walls of blood vessels are covered with cholesterol plaques, and the intake of bacon in the body is unnecessary because it further aggravates the situation. Clogged vessels in this disease can not function fully, and the additional intake of animal fats complicates their work. Therefore, this product in reasonable quantities is recommended in the diet for hypotension. Salty bacon contributes to fluid retention in the body, which also complicates blood circulation processes and has an adverse effect on blood pressure indices in the direction of its increase. Abuse of this product can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes (obesity).

Experts claim and still recommend eating bacon in hypertension, but in very small doses - 100 g per week.

Bacon and cholesterol


According to the composition of bacon, it can be seen that it contains a lot of calories and fat. 100 g of bacon contains about 80 mg of cholesterol, therefore the cholesterol in bacon is contained in a significant amount. Most of the cholesterol is produced by the body itself, and a small portion (10 percent) comes with the food consumed. So, this cholesterol content should not scare you if you do not exceed the daily dose - bacon reduces bad cholesterol and brings you invaluable health benefits.
