Breakfast For Weight Loss

Breakfast For Weight Loss
Breakfast For Weight Loss

We all want to eat delicious food and at the same time not to gain extra pounds. The key to losing weight is, strange as it may seem at first glance, the right breakfast.

Many people find that it is easier to lose weight if they do not eat breakfast at all or eat very little after waking up. But this is not the case.

During sleep at night, the body does not stop working - it actively processes what we ate during the day. This energy goes to renew cells and nourish organs and tissues.

Milk and Fruit
Milk and Fruit

Therefore, except for people who get up at night to eat, the body wakes up feeling hungry. Even if we do not realize that we are hungry, hunger is at the cellular level.

Many free radicals, toxins and little water have accumulated in the cells. Their cells need nourishment to wake up and activate their metabolism. This is exactly the function of breakfast.

If you do not eat breakfast after waking up, after about an hour or two you will feel irritated or inexplicably helpless.

Delicious Breakfast
Delicious Breakfast

This is due to a decrease in the level of glucose that nourishes the brain. This also leads to muscle weakness. You will only want to eat when your glucose level drops to a critically low point. Then you will eat much more than you should.

It is inappropriate to have breakfast with fast carbohydrates such as croissants, sweetened muesli, various types of pastry. To lose weight and be energized, you need to eat breakfast properly.

A proper breakfast contains protein, less fat and slow carbohydrates, which are broken down more slowly. It is suitable for weight loss to have breakfast with oatmeal with a little skim milk, or with boiled buckwheat, as well as with boiled chicken fillet, steamed meatballs or boiled eggs.

Fats are provided by quality vegetable oil or a little cow's oil. It is good for breakfast to contain vegetables or fruits.

If you can't have breakfast because you're not used to it, first have breakfast with a boiled egg and fruit and gradually learn to have breakfast.

The right breakfast contains real coffee without sugar and cream, or herbal or black tea sweetened with a little honey.
