Breakfast With Donut And Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight

Breakfast With Donut And Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight
Breakfast With Donut And Chocolate Helps To Lose Weight

Wholesome food in the morning is extremely important to be healthy - this is a sentence we have heard thousands of times, but most of us do not listen to it. Most people replace breakfast with a cup of coffee.

In fact breakfast, which is rich in protein and carbohydrates, can help us lose weight, according to the results of another study on the subject. It is much better to have breakfast sometimes with a donut, a piece of chocolate or even a piece of cake, than to rely on low-calorie foods, say scientists from the University of Tel Aviv.

The results also show that the people who included and something sweet at breakfast have a much smaller appetite for the rest of the day. At the same time, they have enough time to burn the calories they have consumed in the morning. This way, these foods will not even affect the figure.

The researchers conducted a study that lasted eight months. The participants were divided into two separate groups - people from one group included chocolate in their breakfast.

Those in the second group adhered to a strict diet. The results show that the participants in the first group lost 20 kilograms, and those in the second by only 5.5 kilograms.

In case you still don't want to to have breakfast with chocolate, oatmeal with walnuts are a great alternative. Nuts will give you a feeling of satiety for a longer time, as they are difficult to digest and stay in the stomach for a longer time.

Dark chocolate for breakfast
Dark chocolate for breakfast

However, chocolate remains a favorite topic of all those who want to lose weight - the worry that they will not be able to eat the delicacy during the diet must now completely disappear.

Another study proves that chocolate should not be removed from the menu. Researchers from Copenhagen claim that if we eat 100 g of dark chocolate a day, we will reduce our appetite for fatty and salty foods by as much as 15%.

There is also good news for milk lovers. People who drank a glass and a half of milk a day lost twice as much weight as people who drank only half a glass a day.

There is nothing more to add, because the news is good and we have reason to be hopeful in the battle with the weights. If you need a little more help, take a look at our ideas for healthy snacks or healthy weight loss smoothies.
