Dr. Baykova: Here's How To Recognize The Real Cheese

Dr. Baykova: Here's How To Recognize The Real Cheese
Dr. Baykova: Here's How To Recognize The Real Cheese

The cheese on the Bulgarian market is safe for consumption. There are some problems related to its quality, but we are working on its improvement, said Dr. Alexandra Borisova from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency on BTV.

During his guest appearance on the show This morning, the head of the Food Control Directorate at the BFSA, Simeon Prisadashki from the Association of Dairy Producers in Bulgaria, nutritionist Prof. Donka Baikova and molecular biologist Dr. Sergei Ivanov explained how to recognize quality cheese among all other imitations that are offered to us in stores.

According to Dr. Baykova, the mature cheese is white to yellowish in color and has straight edges. The finger does not sink into it when touched.

According to Simeon Prisadashki, when a cheese is real and well ripened, it does not crumble. The specialist revealed that a mature cheese has an unobtrusive lactic-sour taste, but not bitter.


You should feel soft, but not rubbery taste, explained Prisadashki.

When directly involved in the studio of the show, Ilian Iliev - a technologist at a dairy in Pazardzhik, explained that when quality cheese is cut, its surface should be shiny.

He was adamant that the noticeable difference in price was also a criterion by which a real cheese from an imitation product could be identified.

The technologist also reminded that quality sheep's milk cheese must be ripe for at least sixty days, and cow's milk cheese for at least forty-five days.

Imitation product
Imitation product

However, what happens if dairy farmers do not meet this deadline and are immature dairy products dangerous to our health?

According to Dr. Sergei Ivanov, in such cases the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria increases. That is why such a cheese is a little more dangerous for consumers.

However, for me, the frank falsifications, in which palm oil and transglutaminase have been added, as well as the concealment of these problems by the controlling bodies, are significantly more dangerous, Ivanov added.
