How To Recognize The Real Cheese On The Market?

How To Recognize The Real Cheese On The Market?
How To Recognize The Real Cheese On The Market?

You can't sit at a table without cheese and bread - this is an old Bulgarian proverb, which is still valid today. The difference is that neither the bread we buy is real the cheese. We will focus on the latter, because there are still some signs that you can understand whether a cheese is genuine.


You will rarely come across any quality food product that is too low a price. When the cheese is produced in compliance with all the conditions for its production (long enough ripening time, use of real milk for its production, etc.), it cannot cost less than BGN 9-10. It is usually around BGN 12. The account of what is due to its price is easy - to make 1 kg of cheese using 5-7 liters of milk.

Expiry date

We always prefer a product to have a longer shelf life, but it is good to keep in mind that the longer its shelf life, the more likely it is to contain too many chemicals or preservatives in its composition.

In regard to our cheese however, it is worth mentioning that it itself has a fairly long shelf life if stored properly. For this reason, we recommend that you you buy cheesewhich is with brine.

how to recognize real cheese
how to recognize real cheese

Appearance and texture

The real cheese, which is well ripened and not fresh, should not look moldy and have small holes here and there. It should be hard rather than soft. The latter is again in the case of well-ripened cheese.

Place of purchase

According to a law adopted in Bulgaria, all types of cheese, which are practically not real, but are made on a plant basis, should be placed on separate stands. As we well know, sometimes things are not right.

However, if you buy cheese from large retailers, do not buy one that is placed in a stand labeled "Imitating dairy products." In search of really quality cheese, we would recommend you to go to a dairy, although this again does not give you a full guarantee.


As we said, the dairy or the so-called dairy farms are your best choice. If you do not have a dairy or farm nearby, refer to the cheese maker himself. Choose such brands and names that have permanently established themselves in our market and follow what is marked on their ethics.
