Diet With Yogurt Loses 6 Kg Per Week

Diet With Yogurt Loses 6 Kg Per Week
Diet With Yogurt Loses 6 Kg Per Week

A popular diet ensures that you can get in shape in just one week by eating yogurt on your stomach. It is said that with this diet you can lose between 4 and 6 pounds.

You are allowed to eat unlimited yogurt throughout the week, but you must comply with the consumption of other products.

Nutritionists also recognize the effect of the yogurt diet, but warn that this diet should not be applied too often.

It is permissible to follow this diet once every two months, and in the seven days of the week you should consume other foods in addition to yogurt.


On the first, second and third day you should add boiled rice and boiled potatoes to your menu, and it is allowed to drink a glass of white wine. Other alcohol or carbonated beverages are not allowed.

On the fourth, fifth and sixth day you are allowed to eat boiled or roasted chicken fillet. You can also add a garnish of fresh vegetables. Alcohol is not allowed during these days.

On the seventh day of the diet, in addition to yogurt, you can eat only fruits without bananas and grapes. On the last day of the weekly diet you can drink a glass of white wine.

Nutritionists point out that once you have finished your diet, it is important not to start eating too much, but to gradually increase the amount of foods you eat.

Weight loss
Weight loss

During the diet, coffee and tea are allowed, as long as they do not exceed the amount of one cup per day.

According to nutritionists, the diet is difficult only during the first two days, but then the body adjusts to meals.

The yogurt diet is very easy to implement because it does not require a wide variety of foods to alternate in your menu.

With yogurt, in addition to losing unnecessary weight, you will cleanse your body of toxins.

Yogurt is a staple in most unloading diets and a mandatory healthy food for everyone.
