Diet With A Stent

Diet With A Stent
Diet With A Stent

Cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common. In recent years, more and more young people are getting sick from them. The reasons are many.

As everyone knows, the heart is the most important organ in the human body. If it suffers, the whole organism suffers.

The stent is a metal tube. This tube consists of metal centers. Its placement in the blood vessels ensures the normal flow of blood.

Once a person has a stent, he has to change a lot of things in his life. One of the things that is changing is nutrition. A healthier lifestyle should be followed after this intervention. The changes also affect a person's diet.

Adherence to a nutritious diet is one of the most important steps to recovery. The diet aims for the patient to have a normal weight.

Fatty meat, fatty fish, butter, coffee and strong tea should be excluded from the menu of people with stents.

All foods that contain animal fats should be excluded from the menu. Salt should be in very small quantities. It is good to limit the use of yellow cheese and hard cheese.

It is allowed to consume fresh milk, but it must be low-fat.

In this diet there should be frequent meals, but smaller in quantity. Meals for the day should be 5 - 6.

It is essential that patients understand how important diet is for recovery. They should also be aware of the risks of not following a strict diet.

If they continue without changing eating habits there is a risk of new clogging of the arteries.
