Garlic, Lemon And Ginger: A Natural Elixir For Health

Garlic, Lemon And Ginger: A Natural Elixir For Health
Garlic, Lemon And Ginger: A Natural Elixir For Health

If you often suffer from colds and viral infections, if you have cardiovascular problems, clogged arteries or high blood pressure, it's time to do something to improve your overall health.

The recipe we offer you consists of three powerful natural products that in combination work magically.

This formula originates from Germany and is already used by a large number of people around the world - curatively and prophylactically. The amazing recipe contains only three products - lemon, garlic and ginger.

Necessary products: distilled water - 2 liters; lemons - 4 pieces with peel; garlic - 4 heads; ginger - 4 cm root.

Wash the lemons very well in warm water. Peel the garlic cloves and peel the ginger. Put all these products in a blender and blend until homogeneous.

Place the resulting mixture on the stove and gradually add water and stir until boiling. Immediately after boiling the mixture, remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.

Strain the mixture and pour it into glass containers with lids (bottles, jars), which are stored in the refrigerator with the lids closed.

Take this mixture once a day, two hours before dinner, 1 small glass of brandy.
