An American Competitor In The Stomach Is Chasing A Hangover

An American Competitor In The Stomach Is Chasing A Hangover
An American Competitor In The Stomach Is Chasing A Hangover

An American competitor of the Bulgarian tripe soup has appeared on the market and is already competing strongly in terms of its effect against hangovers. The American version of the tripe soup has the name Sauber.

The souber is made from broth, salted beef or beef, as well as chicken, soy sauce, hard-boiled and chopped eggs and onions.

All these ingredients are mixed according to a certain recipe and manage to improve the condition of the body after drinking. This reduces the symptoms of a hangover, which according to Bulgarian tradition are neutralized with the help of tripe soup.

Drinking alcohol
Drinking alcohol

The hangover is caused by acetate, which is produced by the breakdown of ethanol. The terrible headache and other unpleasant symptoms after drinking more alcohol can be easily overcome with a souber.

In addition to causing headaches, the hangover has other unpleasant symptoms. They are muscle pain, nausea, poor performance. In addition, the eyes are red with a hangover, and another symptom may be hypersensitivity to light.

Accelerated heart rate, fever and excessive sweating can also accompany a hangover. The hangover manifests itself differently in different people depending on the metabolism.

Tripe soup
Tripe soup

When you eat tripe soup or the increasingly popular American sauber, the symptoms of a hangover begin to subside quickly after consuming the delicacy.

If not attacked with the right food or medication, the hangover can last more than a day. But the most acute symptoms are immediately after waking up, after the previous night or night you overdosed on alcohol. Then the head just splits - the pain is terrible.

If you consume the American version of tripe soup, which contains ingredients that charge you with energy and vitamins, it will also neutralize the effects of alcohol on your body.

Sauber is becoming increasingly popular because instead of using medications to relieve the symptoms of a hangover, natural and yet delicious ingredients are used.
