They Fined A Brand Of Oil, Copying The Look Of A More Famous Competitor

They Fined A Brand Of Oil, Copying The Look Of A More Famous Competitor
They Fined A Brand Of Oil, Copying The Look Of A More Famous Competitor

The producers of Libra oil were fined BGN 20,100 by the Commission for Protection of Competition, because with their appearance the bottles imitated the more popular Class Oil.

This is contrary to the rules of competition in the market, as it deliberately misleads consumers. According to the law, a violation of a similar nature is punishable by up to 2% of the amount of net sales revenues of the enterprise for the previous financial year.

Oil Libra is produced by the company Boyle Food Company EOOD, and the fine they are obliged to pay for the illegally used labels is equal to 1% of their profits for 2014.

According to the Consumer Protection Commission, any sanction imposed must comply with 2 main issues - the degree of violation and the turnover of the company.

Such sanctions are preventive in nature and are aimed at future violations of existing companies that use unregulated methods to increase sales of their products.

A few years ago, the Commission for Protection of Competition fined another imitator of Class Olio. BGN 60,000 was paid by the Blagoevgrad company Zlaten Lach, whose product was strikingly similar to their competitors from the Dobrich village of Karapelit.

Golden Ray has been distributing its bottles in the retail network for almost 1 year with the inscription LORIS KLAS OLIO and colors similar to Klaas Oil.

In addition to the high degree of similarity between the two products, the CPC also took into account the fact that it is a commodity in which the consumer relies on a name already established on the market, such as Class Oil, and buying another product remains fraudulent.

Such violations are punishable under Article 35, paragraph 1 of the Law on Protection of Competition and the Commission calls on Bulgarians to report such cases in our markets.
