6 Serious Harm From The Consumption Of Margarine

6 Serious Harm From The Consumption Of Margarine
6 Serious Harm From The Consumption Of Margarine

Until recently, there was probably no Bulgarian household that did not have box of margarine, arranged somewhere carefully on the shelves of the refrigerator. A cheap product, which, unlike butter, does not need to be removed in advance to soften, so that it can be easily spread on the slices of bread we have chosen.

Our children grew up with it, and probably because of its ease of use, they made their favorite sandwiches themselves.

Unlike before, however, today we know that margarine is harmful. It is produced from vegetable fats, but by hydrogenation, ie. it belongs to the category of the so-called trans fats.

Here are just 6 of the harms of consuming margarine, although the topic is much broader.

6 serious harm from the consumption of margarine
6 serious harm from the consumption of margarine

1. All trans fats lead to thickening of the blood and deterioration of blood circulation. In order for it to normalize, our heart begins to work at full speed, which eventually leads to its fatigue. The result is clear - although gradual, the consequences are inevitable and much of the heart disease is associated with the consumption of trans fats, including margarine;

2. The consumption of trans fats can also lead to cardiovascular diseases because they increase the bad cholesterol in the body at the expense of reducing the good one;

3. By taking margarine and trans fats we can easily trigger allergies, which is especially true for the young human body. There is no way to go back to the time when you offered your children slices smeared with margarine, but it is high time to forget about its consumption in the future;

4. Consumption of trans fats slows down the metabolism, and you know that this leads to obesity;

6 serious harm from the consumption of margarine
6 serious harm from the consumption of margarine

5. Although there is still no solid evidence, more and more experts believe that trans fats reduce the effective access to important and healthy nutrients for our body. This also applies to all those products that we purposefully consume, knowing that they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.;

6. More and more studies show that all genetically modified products as well trans fats, are associated with an increased risk of any cancer;

Isn't it high time to replace margarine with butter?
