What Are The Benefits Of Brown Sugar?

What Are The Benefits Of Brown Sugar?
What Are The Benefits Of Brown Sugar?

Recently, it has been widely said that the further we move away from the white color of products, the closer we get to nature and proper nutrition.

It is an indisputable fact that in recent years the share of the sugar market in Bulgaria has been constantly increasing sold brown sugar.

Why does the consumer actually prefer it to white? Ordinary sugar is refined by a technology that aims to get as close as possible to pure sucrose. Refined white sugar contains over 99% sucrose, while brown sugar is estimated at 92% sucrose.

The treatment is done by removing all the ingredients of the plant until only sugar remains. By heating, as well as by mechanical and chemical processes, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, enzymes are removed, ie. all nutrients.

Processes such as boiling, bleaching, treatment with phosphoric and formic acids, sulfur dioxide, lime milk, charcoal and calcium carbonate are also involved in the process of refining white sugar.

Benefits of Brown Sugar
Benefits of Brown Sugar

Refining destroys or removes nutrients and elements. White refined sugar, for example, is completely devoid of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphates and sulphates. Vitamins A, B and C also break down.

In comparison, brown sugar is refined in a much softer way, which preserves the minerals, color, aromas (light caramel hue) and taste.

True brown sugar is produced from the first crystallization of cane juice and has smaller crystals. Aggressive chemical agents, colorants or additives of any kind are not used during the processing of brown sugar, according to the consumer association "Active Consumers".

So, in addition to being about 7-10% lower in calories, brown sugar, in contrast to white refined, contains the following valuable for the body and the absorption of sugars, minerals (per 100 g of product):

Phosphorus - 3.9 mg

Calcium - 85.0 mg

Magnesium - 23 mg

Potassium - 100 mg

Iron - 1.3 mg

Sodium - 97 mg
