The Differences Between Brown Sugar Demerara, Turbinado And Muscovado

The Differences Between Brown Sugar Demerara, Turbinado And Muscovado
The Differences Between Brown Sugar Demerara, Turbinado And Muscovado

Among people looking healthy an alternative to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, brown sugar is becoming increasingly popular. Before we turn to it, however, it is good to get acquainted with its advantages and how to choose the right product.

Brown sugar is a product obtained from the production of white sugar. However, it has a specific color and aroma due to the presence of molasses in its composition.

According to the classification of the US Department of Agriculture types of brown sugar there are two - dark and light. This difference in color is due to the different amount of molasses in the final product.

Unrefined cane or beet sugar is most often considered brown. Some also include brown sugar derived from refined sugar with additional molasses enrichment. However, it does not have as many valuable nutrients as unrefined brown sugar.

The unrefined or so-called raw brown sugar is obtained during the first crystallization of the cane. The most popular varieties have names that have made them a trademark. These are Demerara, Turbinado and Muscovado.


Demerara is a light brown sugar with large and golden crystals. They are slightly glued by molasses. The thick cane syrup is obtained by grinding the cane and the juice from the first press, which thickens it. After dehydration of this syrup, large crystals of brown sugar remain.

Demerara brown sugar is not further refined. Its name comes from the place where it first originated - the Demerara region in South America, in present-day Guyana. Today the main exporter of Demerara is Fr. Mauritius.

Turbinado is a partially processed brown sugar. In it, minimal amounts of molasses are removed during processing. Turbinado has a rich golden brown color and is made from freshly chopped sugar cane, from which the juice is separated. Part of the water content is evaporated from it to achieve partial crystallization. At the end of the process, the crystals are ground in a centrifuge.

Turbinado is the most commonly offered brown sugar. Unlike white refined sugar, it is not processed to discolor and whiten crystals and its natural color is preserved.

Muscovado is the darkest sugar. It has a more specific taste than other types due to the cane syrup, which is not separated from it during processing. It looks much more sticky. It is obtained by dehydration of cane juice without further processing. The largest exporters are Fr. Barbados and the Philippines.
