Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar

Brown sugar It is gaining more and more popularity among people who are trying to eat healthier and are looking for an alternative to white sugar and various sweeteners. Undoubtedly brown sugar has a number of advantages, but choosing a quality one is not an easy task.

History of brown sugar

Brown sugar has a very long history and is the first form of sugar to be used for culinary purposes. Sugar cane, which has been cultivated in China and India for thousands of years, is used to produce brown sugar. About the 4th century BC. sugar cane was transferred to Egypt and Persia, and later Alexander the Great popularized it in Rome and Greece.

In ancient times, sugar cane was boiled until sugar crystals were obtained. Marco Polo later described the sugar mills he saw in China and mentioned how the locals used dark brown sugar without further refining it.

In the middle of the 15th century sugar production became an industry and sugar factories appeared in the Canary Islands, the island of Madeira and Cyprus. These were the first sugar factories in the New World and they did not supply Europe with sugar until the 17th century. Then came the boom of sugar refineries and plantations in the tropics of South America.

For a very long time, cane sugar was considered a medicine and could only be bought from pharmacies. Later came the fashion for vases made of unrefined sugar in European royal courts and it became a symbol of luxury.

In the 19th century, the newly opened white sugar refineries had no control over the production of Brown sugar and for this reason they launched a strong campaign to accuse her of being a carrier of pathogenic microbes. This campaign was extremely successful and by the early 20th century people believed that brown sugar is of low quality and is harmful to health.

Brown sugar lumps
Brown sugar lumps

Composition of brown sugar

The color of brown sugar it actually comes from molasses, which is added during the processing of the sugar. Molasses is a sweet, thick, dark brown product of the crystallization process. Obtained in the production of sugar. One tsp brown sugar contains 15 grams of carbohydrates and about 60 calories.

Although many people find brown sugar more useful than white sugar, it turns out that their nutritional values do not differ much. Brown sugar is 97% sucrose, 2% water and 1% other compounds, while white sugar is 99.9% pure sucrose.

Types of brown sugar

Brown sugar is divided into two main types according to the ranking of the US Department of Agriculture - light and dark. The different color is due to the different amount of molasses in the final product.

Brown sugar is unrefined cane or beet sugar, as well as that which is obtained from refined sugar with additional enrichment with molasses.

Refined sugar with added molasses is a product without who knows what valuable nutrients, while unrefined brown sugar has more advantages.

Unrefined sugar is obtained during the first crystallization of the cane. The most famous types of this sugar are three - Demerara, Turbinado and Muscovado.

Demerara sugar - is a light brown sugar with large and golden crystals, which are slightly glued by molasses. To obtain Demerara, the cane is ground and the juice obtained from the first press is thickened. This forms a thick syrup that dehydrates. Large crystals are obtained Brown sugarwhich are not refined. The main exporter of Demerara is the island of Mauritius.

Muscovado sugar - this is the darkest brown sugar found on the market. It is more sticky than other types and has a specific taste due to the cane syrup that is not released from it during processing. The island of Barbados and the Philippines are the largest producers of this type of sugar.

Turbinado sugar - is a partially processed sugar in which minimal amounts of molasses are removed. It has a golden brown color. Turbinado is made from chopped sugar cane, from which the juice is separated. Part of the water content is evaporated and the crystals are ground in a centrifuge to complete the dehydration process. This type of sugar is also the most common alternative to white refined sugar.

Brown sugar
Brown sugar

Choice of brown sugar

The color of the sugar can be a very deceptive criterion when buying Brown sugarbecause white sugar can be colored with molasses. This is a product known as brown delicacy sugar. In order for a person not to fall for this sugar, it should be known that unrefined sugar has large amber crystals or even lumps.

Obtained by the first crystallization of fresh cane syrup. Brown sugar has more moisture, which gives it a different texture than white sugar.

Benefits of brown sugar

There are a number of disputes about its benefits the health benefits of brown sugar. It does not differ much in energy value from white sugar, but the content of nutrients is higher in brown sugar. Its specific aroma and color are due to the useful substances it contains such as calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Brown sugar in cooking

The caramel aroma of brown sugar makes it a great addition to tea, coffee and various cocktails. Brown sugar can completely replace white in various types of cake, pie, cake, brownie, cream pie, roar, and why not in your favorite tiramisu. There is no difference in the way of use, but the delicacies sweetened with brown sugar are made with a pleasant crispy texture, great aroma and color.

Harm from brown sugar

Although there are some advantages over white sugar, it should not be forgotten that sugar should not be overdone. Excess sugar in any form can cause hypertension, diabetes, obesity and a number of other health problems. The recommended daily dose for women is up to 18 g per day, and for men up to 25 g.
