Which Food Decomposes In How Long

Which Food Decomposes In How Long
Which Food Decomposes In How Long

The breakdown of different foods in the body depends on the type of food, the way it is prepared and how a person combines food in his menu. Foods are most useful when consumed closest to the state in which nature created them.

It is best to garnish your lunch or dinner only with vegetables, do not combine concentrated foods such as meat with potatoes and bread, because it makes it difficult for the body to absorb. Eat the fruit a few hours after eating, not immediately after getting up from the table.

Each organism has a different metabolism, but in general the main types of food are broken down in approximately this way:

Which food decomposes in how long
Which food decomposes in how long

The fruits decompose the fastest, in just half an hour.

The so-called starchy vegetables such as rice, corn, peas and potatoes decompose in an hour. At the same time, fresh milk and yoghurt are broken down.

Boiled eggs, toasted slices, dairy products such as cheese and yellow cheese, cereals that are more than 200 g are broken down in two hours.

Roast or cooked meat decomposes in four hours. Fatty meats break down in six hours. All improperly combined foods break down in more than eight hours.

Prohibited foods are all fried foods, those that are subjected to extensive processing - these are various sausages, margarine, canned foods and juices, carbonated beverages, waffles, cakes, decaffeinated coffee, skim milk.

Processed foods have lost the beneficial qualities that nature has given them and at the same time make it difficult for normal digestion.

Replace chips with sunflower or chickpeas, carbonated drinks with water or kefir, maybe fresh.

Eat rationally and meet the needs of your body for the various vitamins and substances contained in food. Do not burden the stomach with overeating or too fatty foods. When you take proper care of your body, it will definitely reward you.
