Which Meat Is Baked For How Long

Which Meat Is Baked For How Long
Which Meat Is Baked For How Long

Pre-treatment of the meat requires it to be washed quickly under running water, and the piece must be whole. If cut, it loses valuable juices and reduces its nutritional value. In French cuisine, washing has been replaced by blanching.

After being washed or blanched, the meat is dried and cleared of tendons and excess fat. A layer of about 2-3 mm should remain from the fat, which will prevent the juices from evaporating too quickly and will preserve the juiciness of the meat.

The meat to be fried or stewed should be cut depending on the dish. It is cut in the direction of the muscle fibers so as not to disturb the integrity of the cells.

For a tastier dish, the meat can be pre-marinated in spices or marinated with vinegar. Before stewing, the meat should be salted, floured and lightly fried on all sides.

It is then placed in a suitable dish, covered with frying fat and baked in the oven, often drizzled with the sauce formed during cooking. If necessary, add water.

Which meat is baked for how long
Which meat is baked for how long

You can tell when it's done by stabbing it with a fork. If it enters easily and transparent and not very abundant juice comes out of the meat, then the oven can be switched off.

The pork is roasted on average for about an hour and a half for a piece of two kilograms. If you want to prepare alangle, that is, to make pink juice flow from it, the baking time is less. For alangle, the pork is baked for less than an hour. When you pierce it and juice flows out of it, then your specialty alangle is ready.

The meat of poultry and game, as well as the products that will be baked with it, must be pre-cooked, stewed or blanched.

Beef takes a little longer than pork. Its cooking time depends on how you have prepared the meat - its pre-cooking, stewing or blanching.

When roasting meat, it is important to achieve a golden and crispy crust. This happens at the highest degrees. When the crust is ready, the temperature is reduced by half until it is fully cooked.
