Ideas For Cakes With Grapes

Ideas For Cakes With Grapes
Ideas For Cakes With Grapes

Very tasty cakes can be made with grapes. Such is, for example, a souffle cake with grapes. You need 100 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of butter, 200 grams of brown sugar, 200 grams of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 250 grams of grapes, 1 vanilla, 200 milliliters of sour or liquid cream, 2 eggs.

Melt the butter, add the cottage cheese, half of the sugar and stir. Add the flour and baking powder and knead the dough. Roll out, distribute in a round tray with a diameter of 24 centimeters and stab in several places with a fork.

Bake in a preheated 200 degree oven for ten minutes. At this time, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar, add the cream and vanilla and mix everything.

Spread the grapes on the baked dough, pour the cream mixture and bake the souffle for about forty minutes at 200 degrees.

Cake with grapes
Cake with grapes

Almond cake with grapes is made from 200 grams of almonds, half a packet of puff pastry, 250 grams of butter, 150 grams of sugar, 2 egg yolks, 250 grams of flour, 40 milliliters of vodka, two pinches of cinnamon.

For the filling you need 1 kg of grapes, preferably without seeds, 6 eggs, 200 grams of butter, 200 grams of sugar, the juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of starch, 200 grams of almonds, powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Pour 400 grams of almonds with boiling water and peel the skins, dry and grind. Divide in half. Thaw the puff pastry.

Mix the butter, sugar and egg yolks. Add the flour, 200 grams of ground almonds, vodka and cinnamon. Stir and distribute in a greased pan.

Cut the puff pastry into strips one centimeter wide. Make a long braid from every three strips and decorate the edges of the dough with these braids.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, while washing the grapes and plucking the berries. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat the yolks with the softened butter and half the sugar.

Add lemon juice to the egg whites, beat them in the snow and add the remaining sugar. Mix the egg whites and yolks, add the starch, 200 grams of ground almonds and grapes and spread the filling on the dough.

Bake for forty-five minutes. Once cool, cut into large squares and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
