To Lose Weight With Nettles

To Lose Weight With Nettles
To Lose Weight With Nettles

Ordinary nettle will help you lose weight quickly and keep the weight off. Nettle leaves contain vitamins C, E and K, as well as many useful minerals that remove toxins and toxins from the body.

The most useful are the tips of the nettle, the tiniest petals, they are full of useful substances that help the body lose weight quickly.

Nettle is known to help reduce appetite. Nettle can be consumed in the form of soups, dishes and purees, but it can be used to make a special tea for weight loss.

One tablespoon of nettle is poured into a teaspoon of boiling water and left to stand for half an hour. Strain and drink half a glass twice a day before meals. This tea is drunk without sugar and without honey, if you want to have the necessary effect on your body.

People who have accelerated blood clotting should not consume nettle or drink tea made from its leaves. You can use both fresh and dried nettle to make tea.

To lose weight with nettles
To lose weight with nettles

To avoid stinging the nettle, leave it in the fridge for a while and then wash and cut it. Nettle has a mild diuretic effect. It speeds up metabolism and thus helps to lose weight faster and more effectively.

Nettle improves digestion and so even if you eat less, your body absorbs it completely and you do not feel hungry.

Nettle has the unique property to saturate the body at the cellular level and thus protect you from emotional overeating. Therefore, if you are angry, do not reach for the box of dry pastes, but drink nettle tea or eat nettle and rice soup.

You can also make a healthy tasty appetizer from boiled nettle leaves, which are mixed with a boiled egg and a little grated cheese.
