What Vegetables Can Be Stored In The Freezer?

What Vegetables Can Be Stored In The Freezer?
What Vegetables Can Be Stored In The Freezer?

Summer is the season when there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, this season is short. It is good to keep some of these treasures for the winter when they are gone. One way to keep them is to freeze them.

When frozen, vegetables retain their flavor. For freezing, it is important that the vegetables are healthy, that there are no injuries on them. If there is, it must be removed. Vegetables that will be frozen must be fresh.

Vegetables that have a high water content are not suitable for storage in the freezer. All others are suitable for this type of storage.

It is important to store the vegetables in the freezer as soon as possible after they have been picked.

What vegetables can be stored in the freezer?
What vegetables can be stored in the freezer?

Once picked, vegetables should be cleaned if they are damaged or spoiled. Seeds and stalks, if any, should also be removed.

It is good to prepare your vegetables so that they are ready to use. That is, cut them. This way you will only need to defrost them and you will be able to use them immediately.

Suitable for storage in the freezer are green beans, carrots, peppers, green peas, onions, cauliflower, corn.
