Vegetable Juices - An Invaluable Source Of Health

Vegetable Juices - An Invaluable Source Of Health
Vegetable Juices - An Invaluable Source Of Health

Juice from various vegetables - this is not only an invigorating drink, but also a way to strengthen your body. Carrot juice is among the most valuable and rich in vitamins juices. He has exceptional qualities.

It contains many important minerals and trace elements for the body - calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B, B1, B2, D, E, PP, K and others. This drink increases the body's resistance to infections, lowers blood cholesterol, prevents the development of certain cancers, improves vision, strengthens the immune system, improves kidney, liver and heart function.

The combination of carrot juice and spinach juice is very well absorbed by the body. In case of indigestion, anemia, biliary and eye diseases, a cocktail of 300 g of carrot juice, 200 g of cabbage juice, 100 g of beetroot juice, juice of one bunch of dill is recommended. The juice is drunk twice two hours after lunch.

Another vegetable juice that is not to be overlooked is celery juice. Celery contains essential oil, mucous substances, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, organic sodium and more. Freshly squeezed juice is a perfect diuretic for kidney disease. It also improves digestive activity, stimulates appetite. It is useful in rheumatic diseases, bronchitis, dermatitis and neurosis.

Here we must also mention the beet juice. Beets are rich in cellulose, malic acid, iodine, magnesium and more. This useful juice should be taken with caution. One glass of it can cause a cleansing reaction, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Vegetable juices - an invaluable source of health
Vegetable juices - an invaluable source of health

Therefore, it is recommended to take one glass in two doses. It is good to mix with carrot juice, and the amount of beet juice to increase gradually with each intake. This combination of vegetables supplies the body with phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, vitamin A. Equal amounts of beet, carrot and turnip juice strengthens the body and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Last but not least is the tomato juice. Tomato is rich in vitamins and minerals - magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, C and beta carotene.

Tomato juice is extremely useful for people with metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal and heart diseases. Successfully enters the menu in diets for weight loss in combination with apple and lemon juice. Boiled tomato juice acquires antioxidant properties.
