Will Yogurt Replace Bulgarian Yogurt

Will Yogurt Replace Bulgarian Yogurt
Will Yogurt Replace Bulgarian Yogurt

In the last few days, there has been a lot of noise about the request of three large companies, producers of yogurt, to change the way of making Bulgarian yogurt.

The initiators of the request for change of the Bulgarian state standard for yoghurt are the Greek company OMK - United Dairy Company and the Bulgarian Madjarov and Polydei, producing Domlyan milk.

The three producers came up with two main demands - to change the ratio of bacteria - Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, as well as to allow the milk to be sold in packages other than those approved by the standard.

After a strong public and institutional reaction, the initiators of the change withdrew their first request, but still insisted on allowing Bulgarian yogurt to be sold in cheaper packaging.


However, experts are staunch opponents of the idea of changing the now existing standard permitted packaging, because this would lead to the cessation of traditional Bulgarian fermentation.

In other words - changing the packaging will kill the Bulgarian yogurt and only plain yogurt will be sold in stores, losing its useful qualities.

The demands of the producers were driven during the caretaker Minister Prof. Hristo Bozukov, and the current Minister Rumen Porojanov declared himself categorically against the change of the Bulgarian state standard.

According to the current norms, the native yoghurt can be packaged and offered only in glass, ceramic and polystyrene packages. All other packaging will damage its properties and stop the fermentation process.

Bulgarian yoghurt
Bulgarian yoghurt

The request of these three companies is to include in this list all packaging intended for contact with food, the aim being to enable yoghurt to be delivered and sold in polypropylene packaging.

Polypropylene packaging is much cheaper, which would guarantee much higher profits for manufacturers. It is time to note that the Greek OMC is also the main importer of milk powder and yogurt packaging in Bulgaria.

The Ministry of Agriculture has strongly opposed the petitioners' requests. The Institute for Standardization is about to make a decision on the case.
