Bulgarian Yogurt Fights Parkinson's

Bulgarian Yogurt Fights Parkinson's
Bulgarian Yogurt Fights Parkinson's

Native yogurt is able to fight Parkinson's disease. The incredible discovery was made by German scientists, quoted by Deutsche Welle.

Bulgarian yogurt has become a real sensation for the German media. According to experts, only two substances can repair nerve cells and, to our great surprise, they are found in unripe fruits and in our yogurt.

In Parkinson's disease, it is precisely these neurons that produce dopamine that degenerate. One of the factors responsible for the condition is a defective gene called DJ-1. It prevents gluconic acid and D (-) - lactate from reaching the neurons for which these two substances are vital.

However, experts from Max Planck have found that D (-) - lactate, present in quality Bulgarian yogurt, can deal with this problem, but have not yet established the exact mechanism for this.

In the German edition of Bild-Zeitung, native yogurt is praised as tasty and rich in beneficial bacteria. For decades, scientists have believed that it has special properties because the peasants in Bulgaria reach a very high age. it is also said.

Bulgarian yoghurt
Bulgarian yoghurt

According to one of the scientists Anthony Hyman, the consumption of Bulgarian yogurt can help prevent Parkinson's disease.

One of the people on our research team already eats it regularly, Hyman said.

However, in order for our yogurt to be widely used as a cure for Parkinson's, in-depth medical tests are needed, and Hyman's team of scientists emphasizes that it does not need the necessary serious medical training. However, he and his colleagues plan to patent their discovery and start their own company.

Hyman cannot predict whether Bulgarian yogurt will soon appear in German supermarkets, but he promises that he and his team will get to work as soon as the molecular results come out and the medics are ready for their research.

Whether this whole process will take one, two or three years we cannot say now. But one thing is for sure - we have taken a huge step forward, says the scientist proudly.
