For Or Against Frozen Spinach

For Or Against Frozen Spinach
For Or Against Frozen Spinach

Spinach can find a place on any table, can be a great addition and garnish to many dishes, it is used to make very tasty salads and is one of the most vitamin vegetables.

Spinach has a high nutritional value and is extremely rich in antioxidants. It is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, folic acid, betaine, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins B6 and B2, copper, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, selenium and omega -3 fatty acids. After this long list, you will know for yourself that Popeye's muscles are not the result of chance.

You can hardly hear for the first time, but many of the products we use daily in our kitchen lose some of their nutritional value, vitamins and minerals after freezing, heat treatment and canning. It turns out that with spinach things are not like that, quite the opposite.

Frozen spinach can be a much more nutritious food than fresh. An interesting fact is that it loses much of its useful ingredients when stored at room temperature and even in the refrigerator.

Imagine how long he stood from the moment he was recruited until his display on the stands. In general, spinach is frozen almost immediately after harvesting, and this is the secret of its greater usefulness.

Scientists have proven that fresh spinach loses 100 percent of its ascorbic acid in less than four days. And the one that is for freezing goes through factory processing hours after it is harvested, thus larger amounts of vitamin C remain in it. Whether it is frozen or fresh in both types of spinach, the content of vitamin A does not change.

Although you can use fresh spinach in almost any recipe that requires frozen, the opposite is not always true. Therefore, eat spinach in whatever form it is, it will certainly not hurt you, because it is one of the first in usefulness among vegetables.
