How Dietary Is Diet Bread

How Dietary Is Diet Bread
How Dietary Is Diet Bread

Dietary bread was not entirely dietary. Although many people rely on it not only in terms of weight loss, but also for a healthier diet, it turned out that consumers are misled about the content of subsistence.

Checks by consumer organizations found large discrepancies between what was written on the package and what the bread actually contained. The biggest discrepancies are in the content of fiber and salt.

"In the tested diet breads, we found that there is much less fiber than it says on the package. The manufacturers began to justify that they wrote the total fiber, and we studied only insoluble, but this is not an excuse," revealed to "Everyone. day "Bogomil Nikolov from" Active users ".

The average amount of fiber in dietary breads in our country is 1.02 g per 100 grams. In comparison, the average content of such a test in the Netherlands is 5.1 grams of fiber per 100 grams or nearly 5 times higher.

How dietary is diet bread
How dietary is diet bread

"People think that the darker the color of the bread, the more dietary it is, which is not true. A dietary product is one that is more whole-grain," Nikolov explains.

There is only one really dietary bread on the domestic market, which is German. It is made according to standards and the flour in it is such that the bread becomes firm as a brick.

This is the best indicator that a loaf of bread is dietary - it should be firm and slightly smooth, says the expert.

German bread was made in special cases and really took the shape of a brick. Bulgarian producers do not make such real diet breads because they do not have an attractive appearance and are not so tasty.

Native producers made the breads fluffier to attract attention. The other bad thing is that you put too much salt in the bread. This is a trend of all manufacturers. "It's tastier, but more harmful," Nikolov said.
