Blanching Of Shrimp And Other Seafood

Blanching Of Shrimp And Other Seafood
Blanching Of Shrimp And Other Seafood

Blanching is a method of food preparation in which the product is released very quickly in extremely hot water. This heat treatment aims to improve the quality of food, both for current cooking and canning.

Shrimp lend itself very well to blanching, because they don't take much time to cook anyway. Blanched shrimp are used in various dishes, especially suitable for salads. The whole blanching process takes no more than a few minutes.

Pour water into a suitable saucepan, add 1 tsp. salt and bring to a boil on a high heat.

Prepare a bowl with ice and cold water. Put the shrimp in boiling water and leave them for 1 minute. Take out the shrimp and immediately put them in the bowl with the ice, and after they have cooled completely, place them on a paper towel to dry. Once the shrimp are dry, you can peel them. Blanching greatly facilitates this process.


Immersing food in ice water stops the cooking process.

If you want to blanch an octopus, the procedure is the same, but if it is frozen, you must first let it thaw for a day. For small octopuses it takes 1-2 minutes in boiling water, for those of medium size 4-5 minutes, and for larger octopuses 8-10 minutes.

You can also blanch lobsters. Leave the lobsters in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove and allow to cool for 20 minutes.

Even the various squid become very tasty when blanched for 2 minutes and then breaded until golden.

Seafood is a great way to prepare a quick and delicious meal. Blanching, on the other hand, is a method of preserving the taste not only of seafood but also of mushrooms, fruits and vegetables.

Not only salt but also a minimal amount of vinegar and various spices can be added to the preheated water.
