The Spirit Of The Thai Banana And Other Legends About Bananas

The Spirit Of The Thai Banana And Other Legends About Bananas
The Spirit Of The Thai Banana And Other Legends About Bananas

IN Thailand there is a legend about Nang Thani, a female spirit who often attacks the wild forests of banana trees. These spirits are known to appear at night when the moon is full and bright. Dressed in a traditional Thai costume and floating above the ground, Nang Thani is a gentle spirit.

This does not mean that Nang Thani does not have a vengeful streak - cutting down their favorite wild banana trees leads to a curse. Legend also says that women who have been abused by men take revenge.

Because of Nang Thani it is considered that it is not advisable to have wild banana trees near the home (after all - who wants to live near an evil spirit). These trees, believed to house Nang Thani, are often tied with pieces of cloth to warn others. Bananas in these wild forests are inedible because of their seeds, but their leaves and flowers are believed to have magical and healing properties.

The ghost of a banana tree

There is also a Chinese myth about the spectral girl of bananas. Depending on who tells the story, this kind-hearted spirit goes out of his way to save lovers who are separated from circumstances beyond their power because of demons or disapproving parents. When the spirit spends too much of its life force helping others, its body becomes a banana tree.

Nang Thani - the spirit of Thai bananas
Nang Thani - the spirit of Thai bananas

Myths of Burmese origin say that the first food that man ate when he was created was the banana. When the first man was hungry, he wandered through the woods for something to eat and came across a flock of birds eating the yellow fruit. He then chased the birds away and brought the bananas to his family. That is why the banana is called hnget pyaw, which means "the birds told".

Bananas in African stories

The banana it is also an important part of African mythology. The word banana is of West African origin and is often associated with the concepts of birth and fertility. Many myths about the origin say that the first man was born from the banana tree.

In Uganda, it is not uncommon for families to bury the newborn's placenta at the base of a banana tree. The leaves of these trees can then be used to help a woman conceive, but eating the fruits of these special trees is forbidden because the fruits are associated with the souls of the children with whom they are associated.
