Top Tips For Blanching And Freezing Peppers

Top Tips For Blanching And Freezing Peppers
Top Tips For Blanching And Freezing Peppers

Due to the high content of vitamin C, peppers are considered one of the most useful vegetables. Whether they are red, green or yellow, during the period from June to September they are invariably present at our table. However, if you want this to continue during the colder winter months, it is good to learn how to blanch the peppers and freeze them in the freezer. Here is the method of blanching them:

1. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. They are then washed and allowed to drain.

2. Blanching the peppers means immersing them in boiling water for a few minutes. The purpose is not to boil, but simply to soften.

3. If desired, the water for blanching the peppers can be slightly salted. No matter what the water is, blanching should not be longer than 3 minutes, and it is recommended to make sure it is exactly 2 minutes. In this way they will keep their color, texture and taste fresh, and the loss of vitamins will be null and void.

4. After you have blanched the peppers, be sure to fill them with cold water, which when warm, replace with new one. The peppers are left to drain in a colander after they are completely cold.

5. Peppers usually need to be blanched if you want to freeze them in the freezer, but many housewives also prepare their dishes only with blanched peppers. The reason is that in this way they become softer and easier to fill. Even if you prepare them for immediate consumption, you must follow the rules of blanching, which are listed so far. Then you can prepare stuffed peppers with rice and minced meat or with cheese and eggs or whatever you want. However, it is good that they are well drained so that you can estimate how much liquid to put on the dish you want.

Top tips for blanching and freezing peppers
Top tips for blanching and freezing peppers

6. If you blanch the peppers to freeze them, you can choose two approaches to freezing them. One is to push them into each other to save space in the freezer, and the other is to stack them tightly next to each other. Regardless of which method you choose, it is mandatory to remove the air from the bag with the portion of peppers. Then fold it and put it in another bag to avoid the flow of oxygen.

7. After you have packed the peppers, it is good to write how many peppers there are in the packet and what they are intended for.
