Diet For Lactose Intolerance

Diet For Lactose Intolerance
Diet For Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is manifested in the fact that the body cannot properly absorb lactose. Lactose is a type of natural sugar that is found in milk and dairy products.

When lactose reaches the colon without having been sufficiently processed by other digestive organs, it causes unpleasant sensations.

Such sensations are, for example, gas, stomach pain and bloating, as well as nausea. These symptoms are felt from half an hour to two hours after eating.

Some people who suffer from lactose intolerance cannot digest certain dairy products at all. Others, in contrast, can drink milk and dairy products without affecting their body.


Lactose intolerance occurs more often in adults than in children. Man with lactose intolerance must comply with certain restrictions.

Unpleasant sensations should be avoided and at the same time enough calcium should be provided for the body for healthy bones. Lactose intolerance is seen in people whose small intestines do not produce the right amount of an enzyme called lactase. Lactose intolerance is usually inherited.

If you feel nausea or bloating after drinking a glass of milk, you are unlikely to suffer from lactose intolerance. But if this happens every time you drink milk, eat ice cream or dairy products, you are more likely to have lactose intolerance.


In case of lactose intolerance, it is recommended to exclude milk and dairy products from the menu. This is done at least until the symptoms disappear and you need to see a doctor.

You can consume milk and dairy products that have low lactose levels, or replace dairy products with soy and fresh milk with soy milk.

Many people who suffer from lactose intolerance cannot tolerate only milk, and sour milk does not affect them badly. To supply enough calcium to their body, people with lactose intolerance should eat broccoli, cabbage, sardines, tuna and salmon, soy products enriched with calcium, and almonds.

Consumption of condensed milk and milk powder, as well as confectionery with milk filling, as well as drugs that contain lactose, is not recommended.
