Nutritional Problems: Intolerance To Milk

Nutritional Problems: Intolerance To Milk
Nutritional Problems: Intolerance To Milk

Milk is undoubtedly one of the most important food products, as it has an extremely valuable nutritional value, as well as a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and more. At the same time, however, it should be known that there are many people who have an intolerance to milk and dairy products. Here is a little enlightenment in this regard:

1. Babies who switch from breast milk to bottled milk often have allergies, which in most cases grow over time. In such cases, however, pediatricians recommend that the consumption of milk and dairy products be stopped immediately.

2. Most allergies that occur in humans occur when the milk is too greasy and not diluted at all.

3. When people have not consumed milk and dairy products for a long time, they in many cases begin to show intolerance to them.

This is due to the fact that their stomach gets used to processing them and leads to digestive problems, bloating, gas and more.

Tummy ache
Tummy ache

This would happen, for example, if a vegan decided to give up a diet he had followed for years and tried to consume milk and dairy products again.

4. Most people who have an intolerance to milk suffer from a lack of a lab enzyme that should be produced by the gastric mucosa.

In such cases, the milk fails to digest from the stomach and requires the intake of lab ferment, which can be purchased at pharmacies.

5. Some older people also suffer from milk intolerance because their body is lactase deficient.

This also happens in cases of chronic enterocolitis, after bowel surgery, after prolonged use of antibiotics and others. Then the intake of milk has a clear laxative effect and it is recommended to stop.

6. Unlike yogurt, milk more often leads to intolerance and allergies, especially in acute chronic and inflammatory conditions.

In such cases, the consumption of fresh milk should be stopped until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
