Refined Carbohydrates: What Are They And Why Are They Harmful?

Refined Carbohydrates: What Are They And Why Are They Harmful?
Refined Carbohydrates: What Are They And Why Are They Harmful?

Not all carbohydrates are equal. The truth is that this food group is often seen as harmful. However, this is a myth - some foods are rich in carbohydrates, but on the other hand are extremely useful and nutritious. On the other hand, refined carbohydrates are harmful because they do not contain vitamins and minerals, they have no nutritional value. These are the so-called empty calories - when we consume a lot of calories, but in practice we remain completely hungry. These carbohydrates have been linked to the development of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and even some cancers.

Why are refined carbohydrates harmful?

Basically refined carbohydrates are sugars. They do not contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Our body breaks them down quickly and they have a high glycemic index, which makes our blood sugar jump too fast first, and then fall too sharply again. This leads to drowsiness and unproductiveness during the day, but such peaks can also lead to diabetes if we do not reduce the consumption of these foods for many years.

Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates

The main sources of refined carbohydrates for white flour, white bread, white rice, pastries, biscuits, chips, cereals. It is these qualities of fast food - sharp peaks and drops in blood sugar and insulin levels, can lead to obesity. The varying values of these hormones do not give our body a feeling of satiety, but make it feel even more hungry and strongly attracted to sweet foods.

Fast carbs also increase triglyceride levels, and the aforementioned variations lead to insulin resistance. It is this condition that precedes diabetes. And if we don't pay attention to it, diabetes will surely happen to us sooner than expected. Studies show that people who eat a lot of refined foods are two to three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, including not only diabetes but also high cholesterol and hypertension.

An alternative to bad carbs

Refined and useful carbohydrates
Refined and useful carbohydrates

What we need to know - not all carbohydrates are bad. It is harmful to exclude whole food groups from our menu. There are also good carbohydrates that you should not give up. Emphasize legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables. All of these foods are not only not harmful, but are also essential for maintaining good health.
