Which Products Cause Constipation

Which Products Cause Constipation
Which Products Cause Constipation

To prevent constipation, avoid consuming products that can cause it. Above all, it is white bread and yeast dough products.

Next on the list of foods that cause constipation are rice, hard-boiled eggs and various types of canned meat. They should not be consumed if there is a tendency to constipation.

Strong meat and fish broths, as well as pasta and mashed potatoes, should also be excluded from the menu. Wholemeal pasta can be consumed.

Boiled semolina is also among the products that cause constipation. Cocoa, chocolate, black tea are not recommended for people who have a tendency to constipation, as these products contain substances that tighten the stomach.

Which products cause constipation
Which products cause constipation

Pears, bananas, pomegranates are among the fruits that should be avoided if there is a high probability of constipation. Some drugs, such as psychotropic drugs and iron-containing drugs, also have an astringent effect.

Constant use of medications and supplements that deal with constipation is not recommended. If the stomach does not work without their help, the intestines will become more and more lazy and you will have to use stronger laxatives.

Most diets that are recommended for constipation are based on the simplest principle of healthy eating. It is recommended to eat five or six times a day, including fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu.

Fried foods should be avoided, boiled and baked products should be consumed, and at least a little yoghurt should be consumed every day.

Refined products with a high carbohydrate content, as well as salt and meat, should be limited. There are many drinks that help with constipation.

In tea and coffee, replace sugar with honey, and drink more mineral water. A decoction of chamomile will protect you from bloating - a tablespoon of chamomile is poured with a teaspoon of boiling water, left to stand for half an hour and drunk before eating half a cup.

It is useful to drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey at bedtime. Green tea with fresh milk and salt instead of sugar tastes a little weird, but it does a great job. Drink on an empty stomach with a pinch of salt.
