The GAPS Diet Heals The Stomach And Brain! See How

The GAPS Diet Heals The Stomach And Brain! See How
The GAPS Diet Heals The Stomach And Brain! See How

GAPS diet is based on fermented foods and their functions for the body, namely: treatment of depression, relief of stomach problems, strengthening brain activity, treatment of compulsive and borderline disorders.

What is the GAPS diet?

The idea of the diet is to consume foods that improve digestion and mental health. Its creator is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, who believes that many conditions in the body, including depression, are caused by intestinal damage.

The diet goes through several stages, which gradually eliminate different foods. As a result, they help to improve the health of the lining of the stomach, and hence reduce the risk of many mental problems, some extremely serious, such as bipolar disorder.

First stage of preparation

The introduction phase is the first and mandatory to be able to help the body get used to the regimen, as it is not very easy to follow at first. During the first stage, you should focus on consuming home-made soups, probiotic foods and tea made from mint, chamomile or ginger.

* At this stage, conditions such as constipation or diarrhea may occur. Do not add vegetables to your menu until they are gone!

Second stage of preparation

GAPS diet and fermented foods
GAPS diet and fermented foods

In the next stages - from 2nd to 6th, after adding other foods such as raw organic egg yolks, fermented fish, pancakes, homemade bread, apple puree. It is assumed that the stomach should already be completely healthy and have gone through the discomfort of stage 1.

Once you have gone through these stages and your stomach condition is normal, you can move on to performing the complete GAPS diet.

Foods you can consume in the GAPS diet and the stages at which the individual products should be taken:

• Homemade meat or fish (introductory stage);

Probiotic foods milk or vegetable based (introductory stage);

• Ginger, mint or chamomile tea (introductory stage);

• Raw, organic egg yolks (2nd stage);

• Stews and stews prepared with meat and vegetables (2nd stage);

• Fermented fish (introductory stage; 2nd stage);

• Avocado puree, which you can add to soups (3rd stage);

• Pancakes prepared with organic butter from nuts, eggs and zucchini (3rd stage);

• Sauerkraut and fermented vegetables (3rd stage);

• Meat baked in the oven or grill (4th stage);

• Cold pressed olive oil (4th stage);

• Freshly squeezed vegetable juices (4th stage);

• Homemade bread made from nuts, eggs, zucchini and natural fats, such as melted butter (4th stage);

The GAPS diet heals the stomach and brain! See how
The GAPS diet heals the stomach and brain! See how

• Mashed boiled apples (5th stage);

• Raw vegetables (5th stage);

• Freshly pressed fruits and vegetables (5th stage);

• Peeled raw apple and other fruits (6th stage);

• Baked pasta with dried fruits (6th stage);

• Fresh and frozen meats, fish and mussels (complete GAPS diet);

• Livers or other organs (complete GAPS diet);

• Fresh vegetables and fruits (complete GAPS diet);

• Unsalted organic oil (complete GAPS diet);

• Raw nuts and seeds (complete GAPS diet);

• Homemade coconut milk (full GAPS diet);

• Garlic (complete GAPS diet);

• Pure, unprocessed honey (complete GAPS diet).

Should you try the GAPS diet?

Over the years, research has shown that diet actually relieves neurological diseases such as autism, hyperactivity, depression and more.

As it is associated with restricting many foods that supply otherwise beneficial substances to the body, such as fiber and more, it is good to first consult a doctor to determine your exact health condition. Do not take any diets before taking this step!
