Easter Eggs: History, Symbolism And Holiday Traditions

Easter Eggs: History, Symbolism And Holiday Traditions
Easter Eggs: History, Symbolism And Holiday Traditions

Easter is a religious holiday dedicated to the ascension of Christ, but some of the Easter customs, such as the Easter egg, most likely stem from pagan traditions. While for Christians the egg is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which represents his coming out of the tomb, the egg was a symbol even before Christians even began to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

The egg as a symbol in history

The ancient Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians and Hindus believed that the world began with a huge egg, so the egg as a symbol of new life was centuries back in time. Data may vary, but most cultures around the world use it the egg as a symbol of new life and rebirth. Because Easter is in spring, it is also a celebration of this time of year of renewal, when the earth recovers after a long and cold winter. The egg has become synonymous with the arrival of spring.

The egg as a symbol of Easter

Symbolism of Easter eggs
Symbolism of Easter eggs

From a Christian point of view, the egg represents the resurrection of Jesus. The first book to mention Easter eggs was written 500 years ago. And yet, a North African tribe that became Christian much earlier used to paint Easter eggs. Long and severe winters often meant little food, and a fresh Easter egg was quite a reward.

A notation in the books of Edward I's hosts in England shows the cost of eighteen pence for 450 eggs to be gold and colored for Easter gifts.

Another reason why the eggs became a symbol of Easter, is that in the beginning Christians not only refrained from eating meat, but also eliminated eggs during Lent before Easter. Therefore, Easter was the first opportunity to enjoy eggs and meat after a long abstinence.

It is interesting to note, however, that eggs play almost no role in the Easter celebrations in Mexico, South America and Indian cultures.

Bodysuiting Easter eggs
Bodysuiting Easter eggs

The tradition of decorating eggs

The practice of painting eggs dates back to ancient times, when decorated shells were part of the rituals of spring. However, ostrich eggs were used instead of chicken eggs. The first Christians to adopt this tradition were from Mesopotamia, and they painted their eggs red, in memory of the blood of Christ. Methods include using onion skins and placing flowers or leaves on the shells to create patterns. Eastern European countries use wax-resistant batik to create designs by writing with beeswax. Today, food coloring is the most common phenomenon during this holiday.

Decorating small bare tree branches to be an Easter egg has become a popular custom in the United States since the 1990s.

The egg used in the games

We are all familiar with the quintessence of easter eggsbut other countries have different traditionsusing the Easter egg. Some European children go from house to house praying for Easter eggs, very similar to Halloween.

Another game is the Easter roll that the White House holds every year. The laying of eggs is a symbolic incarnation of the rolling of the stone from Christ's tomb. Different countries have their own rules of the game - for example, on the lawn of the White House, children push their eggs with a wooden spoon, while in Germany, children roll their eggs on a track of sticks.

Other Easter symbols

Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny

In addition to eggs, Easter is full of images of bunnies, chickens and flowers, because they are symbols of rebirth. The Easter bunny, for example, originated as a symbol of fertility, thanks to the rabbit's rapid breeding habits. It is also part of German Lutheran folklore, where the Easter Bunny judges children's behavior at the beginning of the Easter season.
